aquamorph livecd: Packages
updated @ 2010-01-29
aquamorph aka aquatix' Morphix lightgui mainmod modification - Clean, Simple and Complete
A listing of the packages in aquamorph v0.4 (2006-09-07)
[not listing their additional dependencies]
- abiword
- alsa-base
- alsa-utils
- aspell
- bluefish
- bzip2
- cdrecord
- cloop-utils
- dhcp-client
- desktop-file-utils
- dialog
- euro-support
- evince
- firefox
- frozen-bubble
- gcalctool
- gftp-gtk
- gimp
- gksu
- gmrun
- gnupg
- gparted
- gqview
- gnumeric
- graveman
- grub
- gthumb
- gtk2-engines-clearlooks
- gxine
- hal-device-manager
- hdparm
- industrial-cursor-theme
- less
- libhal-storage1
- librsvg2-2
- linneighborhood
- linux-wlan-ng
- locales
- mc
- menu
- menu-xdg
- mkisofs
- module-init-tools
- most
- mousepad
- mtools
- nmap
- ntfsprogs
- orage
- pan
- pcmciautils
- pmount
- pump
- reiserfsprogs
- rsync
- samba-common
- ssh
- smbclient
- smbfs
- squashfs-tools
- sudo
- thunar
- thunderbird
- ttf-bitstream-vera
- udev
- unrar-free
- unzip
- wget
- vim
- vnc-common
- wireless-tools
- wireshark
- xchat
- xfce4
- xfce4-terminal
- xfce4-utils
- xfce4-panel
- xfdesktop4
- xfprint4
- xfmedia
- xfsprogs
- xloadimage
- xpdf
- xvncviewer
- xbase-clients
- x-window-system-core
- unzip
- xserver-xorg
- xterm
- xutils
- zip
Compiler stuff
- gcc
- make
- automake
- autoconf
- gdb
- libc6-dev
- xfce4-goodies
- xfce4-battery-plugin
- xfce4-clipman-plugin
- xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
- xfce4-genmon-plugin
- xfce4-mixer-alsa
- xfce4-mount-plugin
- xfce4-netload-plugin
- xfce4-notes-plugin
- xfce4-systemload-plugin
- xfce4-verve-plugin
- xfce4-wavelan-plugin
Morphix stuff
- cdpersistent
- morphixinstaller
- partitionmorpher
- mcp
- xconf
- networkconf
- datetimeconf
- langconf
- keybconf